Please help us support the ESPWA Ukraine Emergency Support Appeal. You can drop off any donations at the school this week between 8.45am and 2.45pm.
Christmas Collection Suggested Items
Items for Writing: Pens, pencils, markers, crayons, sharpeners, erasers, copybooks, colouring books.
Items for Washing: Soap (wrapped), shower gels (sealed well), hairbrush, comb, toothpaste, toothbrushes and face cloths
Items for Wearing: Hats, socks, underwear, scarf and thermal vests, sleeping bags, tea/coffee flasks.
Food and Treats: Chocolate, biscuits, energy bars, breakfast bars etc. (no chewing gum), kids formula, nappies.
All types of dry food, soups, canned food, tea bags, coffee, cocoa etc.
For more information on ESPWA and to enter their prize draw to raise much needed funds for Ukraine click here.
We appreciate your support.