What is Learning through Play?

Aistear is the curriculum framework for children from birth to six years. It provides information for adults to help them plan for and provide enjoyable and challenging learning experiences, so that all children can grow and develop as competent and confident learners. Aistear describes the types of learning that is important for children in their early years, and offers ideas and suggestions as to how this learning might be nurtured.

How is the Aistear framework implemented in St. Patrick’s Boys School?

The aistear framework is implemented in Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1st Class. We use a thematic approach to our teaching. A new theme is explored each month which links to many curricular areas. Children also explore the current theme through explicit ‘play’ stations each day. The stations used are socio-dramatic play, creative play, constructive play, small world play and sensory play.

How can the Aistear framework help me as a parent?

There are lots of great examples, exciting ideas, and practical suggestions in the Aistear framework to help you as a parent. For example, the framework suggests lots of things you can do to help your child learn through everyday activities and routines, such as getting food ready for meals, going to the shops, and checking the post. The Aistear framework shows how important play is for your child’s learning and development, and gives ideas for ways you and your child can play and learn together.

Where can I find more information?

The Aistear framework, with many tips and ideas can be found here.