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Paired Reading

In St. Patrick’s BNS, we implement cross-age tutoring through paired reading. This means senior pupils are paired with younger pupils who take on the role of tutor and tutee while following reading activities which are modelled and pre-taught by the teachers. Our pupils love paired reading as they get to visit another class and meet new friends.

Some of our classes also take part in the Peer Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) programme which involves peer tutoring with pupils of a similar age.

Paired reading helps students work together, encourages cooperation and supports peer-assisted learning. It allows students to take turns reading and provide each other with feedback as a way to monitor comprehension. Most importantly, the children are having so much fun, they don’t even realise they’re learning!

In addition to our whole school paired reading approach, our 3rd classes also get the opportunity to visit Donabate Community College for paired reading with transition year students. Check out the wonderfully positive accounts of this experience, written by Josh B and John in Ms Kiernan’s class.